
If you utilize this tool, please reference it in your work using the following citation.Your citation will help us continue to provide and improve this platform!

Wang, C., Kim, Y. W., Kooper, R., & Yun, J. (2023, October 30). SMILE: A User-Friendly Science Gatewayfor Social Media Research and Collaboration. Science Gateways 2023 (SG23), Pittsburgh, PA.

Wang, C., Marini, L., Chin, C. L., Vance, N., Donelson, C., Meunier, P., & Yun, J. T.(2019, September). Social Media Intelligence and Learning Environment: an Open Source Framework for Social Media Data Collection, Analysis and Curation. In 2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience) (pp. 252-261). IEEE.

Yun, J. T., Vance, N., Wang, C., Marini, L., Troy, J., Donelson, C., Chin, C. L., Henderson, M. D. (2019).The Social Media Macroscope: A science gateway for research using social media data. Future Generation Computer Systems. doi:10.1016/j.future.2019.10.029
